Wednesday 27 May 2015

Isle of Capri

Gorgeous weather.  Gorgeous place.  Oh to be rich and famous and able to reside there!

(It is good to dream.)


  1. Yeah! Someone I know got to Capri. There was mare mosso (rough seas) when I planned to go so no visit :( Someday! In the meantime I will join you dreaming...

    1. It really is exquisitely beautiful, as was Almafi, Ravello, Positano, etc. So lush, bountiful and I can't get over the flowers... everywhere flowers and all incredible.


      So glad to have had this wee taste.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Also, no Blue Grotto.... due to high seas. I saw the opening of it from the sea on a boat ride completely around the island, but it was closed to the pubic that day. Another reason to return!


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