Saturday, 14 June 2014

Jon's story....

This is a tale of lost and found, calamity and triumph, dismay and elation.  It is a story, moreover, that I have been given permission by Jon, one of its chief characters to write about (just in case anybody had concerns along that line).

It is story that highlights admirable character traits in both of the two main players in the story - Jon, fellow group traveler, and Alfio, our valiant Rick Steves' tour guide and leader (Sicilian-Italian born and bred).  

Now that hopefully I have your attention, on with the story....

As I am sure you can imagine, it would be a worry - nay, a nightmare -  for many travelers - especially if traveling in another country, on another continent, far, far from home - to lose an important piece of one's luggage.  Alas, such was the case here.   While making our way from our hotel in Venice to the outskirts of the city to a bus parking lot, Jon discovered he had set down, and then forgotten to pick up again, one of his pieces of luggage - a light backpack. It was left behind - Ciò che rovina! - on one of Venice's public 'vaperetto' boats (Venice's equivalent of a public transit bus).  While it did not contain money, credit cards or passports (thank heavens), it did contain some expensive electronics - to whit, Jon's laptop.

I was standing nearby when Jon brought this more than a little unfortunate situation to the attention of Alfio, our aforementioned leader of our little flock.  

It took Alfio only a split second to comprehend what had happened.  After his initial reaction (spoken without any sort of expression at all, completely deadpan- "You are kidding me") Alfio went into immediate action.  He had some sort of communication apparatus with his tablet and he was in instant communication with a fellow Rick Steves' staff member, Monica,  resident in Venice.

I was still nearby when Keli, Jon's wife, learned what happened.  After breaking the news, the first thing out of Jon's mouth was absolutely wonderful.  To swiftly allay any worries or anxieties his wife may feel, he said, "It is still going to be a fantastic holiday!" 

I was stuck by how admirable and positive this statement was and what a great attitude to take in the situation.  I am not sure I could have handled it so well.  So very well done Jon!  Your comment does you credit.  Nevertheless, I did feel for them both, wishing it hadn't happened and hoping that the laptop could - against all odds - be recovered.

As you may have already guessed the missing laptop - si,si, against all odds - was found!  And I was lucky enough again to be standing nearby, only a couple of hours later when we were in line at an Italian "Autogrill" at a at our first bus/rest stop.  

Alfio had just told Jon that his backpack was found and his laptop was still there as well.  Alfio passed his headphones over to Jon so Jon could speak to the invisible, but obviously powerful and competent Monica, to learn more about it.  In spontaneous gratitude Jon exclaimed, "Monica, you are my favourite Italian!"

What happened next made me laugh, albeit only inside.   Alfio's response to Jon's statement, made again with no expression in his voice at all and to no one in particular, said softly to the universe, "Already I am second."

I still giggle when I think of it.  However, I do want to stress that Jon did give full and unmitigated thanks to Alfio only a minute or two later, as well as on the Rick Steves' website.  It was just that it was amusing to me at the time and a memory I wanted to keep: A memory of how calmly, professionally and successfully Alfio was in handling this distressing situation, as well as a memory of how positive and mature Jon was in the face of this distressing situation.  Well done both of you!

I think this story calls for another picture (or two) of Venice... but this time no canals. (Once again - for best results click on the picture to expand to full screen, and then click at the bottom to advance pictures.)



  1. FANTASTIC story! Alfio is hilarious!!! "You are kidding me." Favourite picture--number 7.

  2. My favourite picture - number 1 - with the broom leaning up. I was concentrating on the sky for the picture and only noticed the broom after I was back in Canada. Otherwise, I would have exploited it much more... "told a story" as Marco had suggested to me. This is one of the first pictures I took in Venice, before my photo walk with Marco.

  3. Carolynn, I laughed out loud while reading this story, as I was also a witness to this misadventure. You certainly have a way with words (as I also recall telling you when we first met in Venice) and I've enjoyed reading your wonderfully descriptive entries.

    p.s. - I also appreciate that you've provided many historical facts that I've forgotten:)

    1. Thank you Donna for your kind remarks. Writing in a journal used to be a joy for me and I somehow fell out of the habit... this trip and blog is reintroducing me to it and I'm finding it so rewarding (but not easy!)


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