Sunday, 8 June 2014

A memory of Florence....

I do laugh often, but sometimes in despair.  Such was the case in Florence, Italy....

Our Rick Steves' hotel in Florence was something else.  (A good something else.)  It was the Torre Geulfa which included as a part of its premises a 12th century tower.  There were two levels to the tower each with table and chairs.  A bar service was available in the evenings between 5 and 9 pm, after which it was acceptable for you to bring up your own bottle of wine to enjoy. While I did not avail myself of this last service, I did join some members of 'the group' one evening for a glass of (bar service) wine.  

It was absolutely glorious to sit up in the tower and enjoy incredible views of the city of Florence - at night of course, but it was lovely during the day too.

So, you ask, why was this woman's laughter tinged with despair?  Well, it was due to whole other feature of this hotel - the fact that my lovely room had a bathtub!  It was modern.  It was shiny.  It was deep.  However, it was also narrow.  

You must understand that I am a 'bath girl', even at home each day choosing to take a bath over a shower, so I was so happy to have the opportunity to relax and luxuriate in a soothing and restorative bath.  Particularly after all the walking I did over the course of each day. 

And I did.  And it was everything I anticipated.  Simply lovely.

So why, you ask a second time, was this woman laughing with a hint of despair?  

Well... it was when I 'pulled the plug'.  The bathtub was narrow, but hadn't looked outrageously so.  However, it was narrow enough that with the spread of my butt, my bottom created a dam that kept back all of the water 'upstream of butt'  from draining.


So you can see why I laughed but also why it was tinged with a bit of despair and chagrin.

I am trying to use it as a learning experience, though - to motivate me to lose a bit of weight.  
PS - in this post's picture upload I am including a picture taken of me in Venice only DAYS before this happened.  Just to prove that despite any butt spread that I did experience, I am still not too, too, too overweight. Right?  Right?  (Humour the woman.)



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