Friday 14 August 2015

Interupting Italy for Little Bow Provincial Park..

How fun was my August long weekend?

Answer:  SUPER FUN!

This day - enjoying the hot weather, boating and all the young people on their water skies, ski board and tubing.  Many, many laughs with attempts up and then the inevitable drop into the deep.  (Can you spot Brianna's hand/arm in the froth?)

And well done Brie!  Your skills as a licensed boat operator are getting very good!  Who cares if there were a few jerky bits - all added to the fun.  I was impressed with your skill.

And well done all of you in both your successes and your brave attempts!


  1. Whee! It was fun.

    It's called a "wake board", actually, not a "ski board". And I bet Justin was sad for the jerky ride. He got up so fast and smoothly, then -

    Anyway, glad you were with us!

    1. I laugh... I knew at the time it wasn't a "ski board" but for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was called. So I figured I'd just go with it... Thanks for giving me the answer that was so eluding me! xoxo


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