Friday, 29 July 2016

Kananaskis Country: Troll Falls

Kananaskis Country: Troll Falls

We decided we would first find the trail to Troll Falls and then go for lunch. However, given all the threats of bears we changed our minds – there were lots of people just starting out on the trail so we decided to forgo lunch in order to do our walk at a popular time of day.
So fortified with an orange and some wonderful peanut butter/marshmallow square we set out.

Absolutely lovely, although boy-oh-boy you can see how dry some of the creek beds were. Last winter there hadn't been much of a winter and snow, so no run off into the creeks and rivers. Also note the bare tops of the Rockies... any snow that was there has melted away.

Click on the pictures to bring them full screen.





  1. I really like the one of you on the log!

    1. I like it too. :) I had a good photographer. :)


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