Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Kaajal & Amol's Wedding - Raas Garba, Calgary Alberta

Honoured to have been invited by good friends Vandana & Devandra Patel to the wedding of their daughter Kaajal to Amol.

First joyous event - A supper followed by a dance the evening before the wedding - the "Raas Garba".

I used to go with Vandana each year to a garba in Regina but now she's moved away to Calgary.  I miss Vandana, her friendship and these get togethers so much.

Had an incredible time - great food and I danced and danced and danced, albeit NOT the 'Stick dance".

I would dance this in Regina and I was okay - but only if I "didn't think about it".  As soon as I thought about it, I would get out of step and mess everybody up. 

Fantastic time! 

Beautiful bride & groom.

My first outfit - first event

Tuschar (Vandana's son, bride's brother) and his beautiful family

Vandana & Dev

Stick dance

Vandana & Ashmita



  1. Love your blogs Carolyn! Such purity and beauty in all your postings. Makes me want to dive into the pictures and be with you in your adventures! Thanks very much for sharing with us. Look forward to more updates. Ashmita

  2. Thank you Carolynn for sharing all your adventures and blogs. Makes me want to jump into the pictures and join in with your adventures!

    Keep them coming and look forward to your next update.


  3. Thank you Carolynn for sharing all your adventures and blogs. Makes me want to jump into the pictures and join in with your adventures!

    Keep them coming and look forward to your next update.


    1. Thank you so much Ashmita! It was such a wonderful, joyous event that I was honoured to be invited to. Thank you for your comments - and whispering to me some explanations during the ceremony. Best to you!


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