Sunday, 29 October 2017

Royal Saskatchewan Museum

Since the wind was so bad and since we were in the park and since we weren't committed to walking all around the park and since none of us had been to it for years, we decided to pop into the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.

I love that museum!  I will take any out of province visitor that comes to it.  Most people have a preconceived idea of what Saskatchewan - a prairie province - looks like.  Usually they think of grain fields, flat terrain and big skies.  All true but our province has so much more!

The museum has diaramas of all the different areas of Saskatchewan, including its wildlife.
I love the quality of the exhibitions, particularly how they have blurred the lines between the painted backgrounds and the 3-D displays (taxidermy).  (NOTE:  No beast or bird or fish was killed on purpose for these displays... from road kill or deaths from animal/bird sanctuaries etc.)

Here is a sample of some of them. (Click on them to bring them full screen!)

And in the spirit of Hallowe'en...

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