Wednesday, 8 February 2017

First Chemo treatment - a different type of adventure for Carolynn

First chemo treatment behind me.   I was very nervous and emotions ran close to the surface.  It went so much better than I could have imagined...

All the people were incredible - including the admitting lady who, once she learned it was my first chemo, checked in with me at the end about how it went.
Including the volunteers who deliver water, juice, pop, cookies etc. lovely (breast cancer survivors - so have once sat in the chemo chairs we were sitting in.)
Including the chemo nurses, who explained everything and made it all easy.

No issues presented re: getting the IV in and in the flow of the drugs.
Funny thought:  One of the drugs (can't remember if in the IV drugs, or with the pills I am sent home with) have steroids in them.  I said, "Please tell me this isn't going to make me become angry and violent!!! I heard steroids can do that""

Answer:  No - different type of steroid.

Good thing - could you imagine a bald, angry, confrontational crazy chemo woman????  I have such a strong support network right now that I don't want to alienate them  and have this aggressive nature become part of my personality! Whew, bullet missed.

Other info:
One of the volunteers gave me a little package of gifts - because fatigue will be an issue - a lovely hand sewn pillowcase from some "Country Crafters" out of Fort Qu'apple"  (I will send them a thank you)!  I chose a fun colour/pattern for my couch - so cheerful!... for any fatigue driven naps I hope to nap on the couch and not do the bedroom nap thing.... seems more normal to me. 

Also a man who is a cancer survivor makes little wooden birds, unpainted.  Lovely for holding in the hand and rubbing fingers along it to reduce nerves... much like a 'worry stone'.

It went very well. So far, no nausea - they give you IV anti-nausea for first day during chemo and have sent me home with a supply of anti-nausea pills to use for day 2, 3 and 4.

Must keep to only 'light/soft types of meals in the first 2 - 4 days.
Update: by 7 pm, mild nausea.  Soup tasted horrible, clementine good, crackers ick.  But not severe nausea - very, very mild.  Very tired and went to bed burping at 7 pm. :D
Wonderful friend Donna Kuntz went with me for this first treatment.   Very thankful for her presence... we laughed a lot.
Mildly amusing story:
As per a recommendation, I wanted to record my different blood work results (I have a page for that in my cancer journal).
I waved in a 'royal gesture' and said, "My people will take care of that...." 
We all laughed and Donna dutifully got out my journal and became "Chemo Queen's royal scribe".
(IN my defense, I was keeping my left arm with the IV very still.... so next time I will have my journal all set up for record keeping, since I will be on my own.)

Wonderful friend Bev stopped by after work with beautiful cheerful flowers to brighten my spirits after this first milestone and see how it went.

Feeling so much more relaxed about it all now.

Have signed up for the cancer clinic workshop "Look good, Feel good program" on Thursday - how to put on fake eyebrows, eyelashes, highlight skin tones etc.

AND nice to know there are some powerful drugs cruising through my body kicking some cancer butt!

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