Sunday, 20 April 2014

Going solo with Rick Steves' with technology....

Okay, I've been playing around with my tablet.  Unless I'm mistaken (and I wish I were), it appears I've replied to Marco (making final arrangements re: starting time of tour) six times within a two minute time frame.  Or rather, sent him his own message back six times within a two minute time frame.  

I wonder what he's thinking? 

Hmmm... doesn't bode well for my camera taking/ camera setting learning abilities when I'm there, does it?  

Also it begs the question whether I am competent enough to be 'Going solo' ANYWHERE in this world, let alone 'with Rick Steves', let alone to Italy? 

Nevertheless, I will be.



  1. It takes guts to go somewhere solo. My cousin Aimee has done it quite a bit and says she that as a result she has learned not to take herself very seriously. I am sure you will be fine! Love you!

  2. Love you too beautiful niece. I will be in touch with you and your mom and family when I get back - and certainly before you go to China... remember, Auntie Carolynn does NOT want to know when you travel. xoxo

  3. Well, unlike people you can blame technology without hurting any feelings!

    PS Traveling and technology are 2 different skill sets. You will be fine when you are off adventuring :)


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