Sunday, 25 October 2015

Saskatchewan Autumn - Moose Jaw

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Had a lovely time with friends this weekend.  Drove to Moose Jaw - went to big craft sale, had lunch at a very picturesque restaurant (in old heritage house - so very fun), then strolling and browsing Main Street Moose Jaw, before a leisurely stroll through Moose Jaw's Crescent Park.  

Life if good.


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Count your blessings.
Give thanks.

I am thankful for good health, my Canadian citizenship, my job, my home, warmth, shelter, good food, good family, good friends - and so much more!  I am living one of the most privileged lives on the face of this planet - and I am well aware of that.
So grateful.

It may not be the Amalfi or Riveria coast - but two sisters can still soak up some sun lounging on deck chairs in Saskatchewan in October too!
