The other 'little' tours I have arranged to supplement my 'big tour' have been in Venice. Why? Because I am very comfortable in Venice and any tour I sign up for I am confident in my ability to find where I need to be and then find my hotel following. When you're travelling on your own this is important.
This may seen an odd statement to make given how just about every traveler to that incredible city comments on how hard it is find hotels, restaurants etc. as well as how often they get lost. Re: Getting lost - a gift, really, to any traveler. If you don't get lost then you are missing out on some truly wondrous experiences.
However, Venice is small, compact and I can 'case out' muster points before the tours begin and they wind up at locations where I know how to navigate 'home' to my hotel.
Rome on the other hand is another case altogether. It is a huge metropolis simply bursting with energy and life.
I do not feel nearly as comfortable wandering around on my own in that place, no matter how tempting it would be. It is too chaotic.
One guidebook I used - sorry Rick, I can't remember if it was one of yours! - gave a recommendation on how to cross a street in Rome. It said to 'be bold'. It said to 'step out into the street with confidence'. It also advised that if possible to try and cross 'with a group of nuns'.
Good advice.
So, although Rome is my second favourite city in the world, I won't be hanging around very long following the completion of my Rick Steves' tour. There are limits to what I can do when 'going solo'.
Nevertheless, I couldn't leave without visiting the Borghese Gallery. The last time I was in Rome we tried to get tickets, thinking that arranging it 5 or 6 days in advance would be sufficient. However, not the case. SO (very tumultuous deep breath), I have arranged to stay one day following the tour to allow me to visit this incredible gallery.
Going solo with Rick Steves
At the moment I am imagining myself in Venice. I am imagining myself in Venice on my own. I imagine myself meandering through all its alleys and squares, over bridges and into churches. I have no timetable. I stop and sit on the steps of canals, take many photos and check out a few shops. Bliss.
I will be buying myself a vaporetto pass - unlimited travel up and down the Grand Canal on its "bus service". This I hope to utilize particularly in the evening time when imagining myself alone in Venice does make me (I admit it) a bit apprehensive. I intend to ride up and down, stopping at a few stops for a 'wee walk' before catching the next one.
The last time I was in Venice Peni (an old and good friend from University of Waterloo who went with me) and I did get 'out and about' in the evening going to a fantastic symphonic concert in the prison block attached to the Doge's palace (wonderful!) as well as taking a "Ghost Walk" (hokey but fun).
I considered doing these activities again but in truth wanted to do something different. One choice - quickly rejected - was going to an operatic concert but I really, truly, genuinely do not like the 'classical voice' - and yes people (!) I have given it a try going to 3 productions in Toronto when I lived there. Each time I left at half time. (Note to self: Do not admit this to any Italian while there. They take their opera seriously.) So, the question remained, "What can I do this time?"

No dream of Venice can be without the dream of sitting and sipping a glass of Italian wine al fresco (really hoping that means "out doors" and not "naked"). I also like to eat. SO, my next 'tour before the tour' is an 'eat and drink pub crawl'. This tour (offered by Urban Tours) is a 3 hour tour of only 12 people - grouped by similar ages I am told - and hope. I am middle aged and a middle aged person's idea of a historical walk and pub crawl is probably very different from that of a young person's. We shall walk with a guide who will point out the history and stories of historical pubs. We shall stop at 4 or 5 pubs where we will be treated to a glass of wine and an appetizer. Out in Venice after dark, with people, with 'munchies', with wine! What could be better?
Going solo with Rick Steves
One of the reasons I booked this particular tour is because it begins in Venice, my favourite city in the entire world.
Venice is a remarkable, magical place - and one that is easy to be in by oneself. (I think... I hope.... I wish.... At least that's what I'm banking on.)
It is small. It has no traffic. A person can wander for hours and never be bored. Each corner, each bridge reveals another incredible view - creating, in turn, another incredible memory. All that even before all the marvelous attractions, museums and churches to visit. So - very, very deep breath - I decided to go a good 5 days in advance and 'hang out' in Venice on my own. (Boy, I'm getting adventurous, yes? SO not like me.)
Since I will be traveling solo I thought I would 'indulge myself' in a few extra treats (as if going on this tour itself is not a huge indulgent treat in and of itself!). I hit my favourite research tool - the internet and (lo and behold) up popped a possibility... a "Photo Walk with Marco". Check out his website:
Marco is a professional photographer and also has lived in Venice for many years. His tours promise to be customized to whatever interests you and is well endorsed as per another of my favourite research tools - tripadvisor. In addition to promising to introduce me to the "real Venice", answer questions regarding cafes, modestly priced restaurants (Who am I kidding? Cheap restaurants.), buying wine along a canal, tipping, etc. etc. etc. he will also instruct me in how to best use my modest digital camera. (And yes, I do know the enigmatic boy with a frog is no longer there.)
I think I have a pretty good 'eye' for a shot (or at least not too bad?), but have no idea how to use any manual settings on my camera. Marco I need your help!
While expensive (very, very - at least for me), I thought this was an opportunity to do this sort of tour - when other "future travel companions" aren't around and who may not share the same interests. SO, caution to the wind and dipping into those travel savings, photo walk with Marco here I come!
Goin' solo with Rick Steves.
You would think that a person would be able to relax after making such an important decision such as deciding to a) travel solo to Italy and b) which tour you were going to embark upon. No. Not the case. Or at least, not the case for me. (I was going to say 'Or at least, not the case for moi' but figured I was getting a wee bit too coy for a blog.)
In fact, I was far from relaxed. In fact, I was nervous as all get out. No, let me be accurate... In fact, I was nervous as hell.
I fluctuated between elation - going to Italy again! - and panic - going to Italy again all by myself. (Can you hear my whimpering?)
How have I conquered these fears? Well, to be frank, I haven't entirely conquered them and I still fluctuate between terror and joyful anticipation. What helps is the fact that I've paid for the trip in full and can't afford to back out. Therefore I have to face the reality - happy or sad, fearful or intrepid, timid or brave - I was going to be on this trip regardless so better start to prepare myself for that eventuality. Done deal. End of.
Goin' solo with Rick Steves.
Life is sweet but life is short. Moreover, at my age - past my prime so to speak - the sense of my own mortality deepens with each passing day (or at least each passing birthday). As such, I have decided not to wait on the plans of others anymore, take my destiny into my own hands and (deep breath!) book myself on a trip to Italy. By myself. Without a known traveling companion. Yes, that's correct - bound for Italy - but goin' solo!
Once the decision was made, another more important decision had to be made. I know myself and have traveled in the past. If I was going to travel to Italy on my own I had to join a tour. I have gone to Europe twice before but always with a friend and not on an arranged tour. This time a tour it must be. But which one? This one? That one? Which one? Which one? An important decision. Thus the search began for the 'right match' for me. (Oh no! The pressure was on!)
To be honest, it didn't take me long to find the right match - as soon as I came across the "Rick Steves' Tours" I instantly knew that it was 'IT'. I've used Rick's tour guide books in the past. I've watched his travel shows on PBS stations. Before my last trip two years previous to Italy (hence pictures already) I booked his DVDs out of the library.
I liked all his products. I trusted him as a source. More research resulted in more motivating factors - to whit, his tours only have 28 people. His tours have dedicated, well educated tour guides. His tours stay in family run, smaller establishments. In other words, promises of a more intimate, more 'authentic' visit. So (deep breath!) and taking a wild leap of faith for me, I booked my Venice, Florence, Rome adventure! ......
.....Goin' solo with Rick Steves'!